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Governance - Housing

02 May 2024

‘People like us’: why housing providers struggle to move the dial on board diversity

By David Levenson

If not carefully nurtured, inclusive cultures can have the opposite effect of what was intended, writes David Levenson, founder of Coaching Futures.


Have you ever been in a situation where you felt totally disempowered?

It’s a feeling you might get at your first board meeting when you are the newbie. Sometimes it occurs during a discussion in which you are unable to contribute. It can feel extremely uncomfortable… suddenly you start to feel that you are being excluded…

Exclusion in any team is a problem, but what does it have to do with succession planning for boards and selection of new board members? Simply this: boards routinely recruit people who are what is often characterised as a good cultural fit or, putting it another way, ‘people like us’…